Carroll's Halloween Display

This Was The Way The Carroll's Did Halloween
This Website is dedicated to The Carroll's Synchronized Halloween Display In Wheeling WV. As the marquee has displayed our son Michael passed away in 2014 from cancer and he enjoyed all holidays mostly Christmas but he asked me (his dad) to create a Halloween Display in 2010 and I did. I re-created this website as a memory of what was for us, I will design this website to be like the original. There are Videos in the pages named by the year, If your still interested please go through this website and enjoy some Halloween music synchronized to lights.
There is dated material and outdated items that I left alone to keep this website frozen in time. the video links to YouTube are fine.
below is a timer showing how long the display has been off.
Paul Carroll
site updated: November 8th, 2021
The Halloween Display is themed around the "Not so Scary" If you seen "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" Special on TV,
It's styled after that, I always enjoyed that special.

I'm not saying I don't like the super-scary stuff , I do
But, there is enough of the Zombie/Vampire today, it's time to go old school with Halloween, So I'm trying to keep my Halloween Display as it was when I was a kid....back when "trick or treat" was fun and you would get a laugh as well as a treat.
What we do......(in case you stumble on this website)
I like to synchronize my holiday lights to music if you would like to see what I do just click on any of the video pages, it would be easier to see it in action.
In 2013 The people coming and watching has been great, We get more cars this year than walk-ups
I'm very happy with the turnout and it makes all the hard work involved worth the effort .
It's always nice to see people support your addiction :)