The Show Opener (1st video on 2013 video page) is voiced by Michael (our son) Michael was diagnosed with a brain tumor in June 2013, he has a website for what he would like to do for children that have cancer, click the link below, this will open up a new tab to Michael's website ----> Michael's Meanies
Hello, I'm Paul Carroll I am a Christmas Light Display Synchronizer since 2007, In 2010 I was asked by my wife and son why I don't do a Halloween Display? so that got me thinking....I was working on AC/DC's Hells Bells I came up with the URL HDHalloween.com well that's all it took and ta-da here is this website. But on May 20th 2014, I got the URL (web address) http://halloweendisplay.net and that is what I am advertising from now on, I let hdhalloween expire.
I liked the way things fell together with the display of lights and music so I thought I needed to share it with the world. And I really like the layout of this website
If you have any questions about how this all works just email me from the contact link below this scream, I mean screen.
Our son Michael' passed away from cancer on July 3rd 2014, He dearly loved the holidays especially Christmas, and when he passed away I didn't know if I could ever do a light display again, as for the Halloween Display we did it for a few years but after Michael passed, so did this display, the picture below is where Michael's body is, not that he isn't resting, he is with the creator of all living things and I know those words to be true
I won't get into details but trust me God lives and he loves us, just open your heart and try it for yourself, you have nothing to lose and so much to be thankful for, you won't be disappointed trust me. Every holiday we decorate around Michael and this is our Halloween placement, and yes those are all solar lights. I know our son is with the Father, and I know that to be true, but I physically miss my son, his smile and jokes and his ideas.