If Your Reading This Page, It Means Your Interested....Good :)
Or if your here to be a "Doubting Thomas" that's good also... please, read on
The Answer Is So Simple: When you need a shield to use against evil......
With a Strong and From the Heart Voice Say...
"Away With You Satan"
Sometimes you need to use the say.....
"Away With You Satan"
You Can Also Add These Words To It,
Turn this into a verbal argument with Satan/Evil, Say whatever comes to mind about how much you hate him......
"What has Satan ever done for you?" think about it?
And in this case anger is allowed because anger is an emotion that Satan Understands
After saying these words and telling Satan to go away, just that quick you should feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off of you emotionally and you will feel the peace that believing in Jesus has provided for you, your mind will clear and your deep depression will go completely away.
You will notice that your emotional roller coaster has come to a complete stop and you can exit the ride and enjoy the rest of your time on this Earth.
You will notice what Satan really controls and how these 4 words stop it, what evil controls...
1) depression
2) negative thoughts
3) extreme sadness (deeper than just depression)
4) emptiness from a loss of a loved one (when you look at a loved ones possessions and you get sad)
5) separation from God and Jesus (Jesus will never abandon you, but Satan will try to convince you he has)
6) hatred (not to be confused with anger)
7) greed
8) lust
9) temptation
There is more, lots more but I will let you discover these on your own
Anytime you experience any of these "feelings" coming on speak it with your voice "Away With You Satan" DO NOT THINK IT WITH YOUR INNER VOICE THIS WILL NOT WORK and quickly you will experience a calmness that only the power of God can give you
If this works for you, you will not become callused or uncaring you will have a better sense of control of your emotions.
When I first said these words (story on the "about" page) I said to myself "really? is it just that simple?" and it is, when I feel I need God's strength again I will repeat these words sometimes I will say them everyday and you will come to hate evil as much as I do.
For me I still shed a single tear not the uncontrollable crying and a deep depression that I had in the past but I still sometimes feel the loneliness of a passed loved one, its a mild Melancholy but I also feel complete knowing that my passed loved one is in Heaven and I know in my heart that everything is okay and I know one day I will be reunited when its my time. I will say to Jesus "I know my loved one is in Heaven, But I'm just a simple Earth Dweller and I still physically miss them" so you get to shed a single tear in each eye, and that's Jesus way of saying, "I will give you a single tear, because I love you, And I understand".
Thank You Jesus
Now with these words "Away With You Satan" you can't destroy evil but you can ward it off and keep it away from you, but believe me Satan will be lurking in the shadows waiting for you to lower your shield and at this time Satan will strike and try to confuse you and you will need to say "Away With You Satan" many times, and raise and hold that verbal shield as tight as you can. Satan will run and hide away from you but Satan doesn't give up easily, nor should you, Remember God has got your back and, FEAR NO EVIL!!!!
Only Jesus has the Power of the Sword to Destroy Evil
Why does this work? Because Jesus loves you and he gave his life for you. God wants you to see how cowardly Satan really is and even us "Earth Dwellers" have the ability to scare him off by saying these words. Also it's a continuous message from God to Satan that Jesus will destroy him.
Disclaimer: This will not cure the common cold, help you win the lottery, get a date, make you more intelligent, make you the life of the party, or even make your enemies like you. Also you need a strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, (the more you reveal to Jesus the more he reveals to you) remember these are the words of Jesus so if you don't have a strong faith, these words will not work for you, sorry...but keep trying, you'll get there :)
But, it will make you a better person being at peace with yourself, and that my friends is priceless
Away With You, Satan
Jesus will give you a shield, that will make Satan stop and yield
Say "Away With You Satan"
When your world is down and you need to turn it around
Say "Away With You Satan"
In a strong and powerful voice, you give Satan no choice
Say "Away With You Satan"
Your emotions will turn around, And Satan will go back into the ground
Say "Away With You Satan"
With God's mighty hand he wipes away your tears, now lets watch Satan live in fear
Say "Away With You Satan"
The power of Jesus is true, and God's love will wrap around you
Say "Away With You Satan"
Your heart will be full of Light, And the Devil will go out of sight
Say "Away With You Satan"
Speak these words said by Jesus the Son, watch evil turn around and run
Say "Away With You Satan"
Speak it loud to cleanse your soul, watch Jesus throw Satan in a bottomless hole
Say "Away With You Satan"
written on - April 9th/20th, 2015 and August 24th 2016, by me... the webmaster of this site
Now, If you tried this and it doesn't work for you keep on trying there is no questions about your faith being at fault here, If in your heart you truly need this to work for you keep on saying "Away With You Satan" whenever you need this to work.... If this never works for you, sorry no refunds... You need a strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, (the more you reveal to Jesus the more he reveals to you) Also remember these are the words of Jesus so if you don't have a strong faith, these words will not work for you, sorry...but keep trying, you'll get there :)
This passage really works for me, I use it when I am getting depressed or thinking evil thoughts, (remember: Satan/Evil never gives up) you can think what you like if saying "Away With You Satan/Evil" doesn't work for you, it does work for me (and a few others) and this is why I created this website, If your faith has never been tested and your happy and content you do not need this website, but for me and trust me I am a "prove it" kinda person this does work for me and I pray it works for you too, on the next page I explain why I needed this and I feel that I am an authority on this subject.
Again I have to emphasize If saying "Away With You Satan" only worked for me I would not have created this website I would accept this a personal blessing/miracle from Jesus to help me through this trying time in my life, but it works on more than me.
If you are a non-believer and you are here to be a superior cynic even you can see all the evil/bad in this world, and if there is a "verbal shield" to ward off such evil or "Bad Thoughts" that's in your head and if your a non-believer just change your bad thoughts of hatred and relax and calm down and by saying said words and most importantly living by said words and it makes you a better person, what is wrong with that? SO if your a believer use "Away With You Evil" and if your a Non-Believer use "Away With You Bad Thoughts", but might I suggest you try "Away With You Evil", It works for me and a few others, it might work for you who question the existence of God.
(But, for me I know its a gift from God, and nothing will ever convince me otherwise)
I never asked anybody I know that lacks belief in Jesus Christ to say this, so if your one of these people and you are reading this and you have an open mind just say these words with true conviction and if it works for you... Congratulations, You just got a gift from a deity you don't believe in.
UPDATE 4-25-2021: Its been over 6 years since I have used this to tell Satan/Evil what to do with itself and I would recommend that you turn this into a strong verbal message and tell Satan/Evil/Demons to get away from you, and say how much pain they caused you and you don't want anything to do with Satan, tell it/him to leave you alone NOW! and say all this with a strong powerful voice,. I do recommend that you say all this in a private area, so your not trying to impress anybody. Here is what I learned since I got "The Shield"
How do you achieve Salvation?
Faith isn't all you need to get salvation
Faith isn't something you can just have
not in the conventional sense
Faith isn't the goal, Faith is the process it takes time and dedication each day.
This world is not about financial achievement alone, it's about how we care and interact with each other like God cares and interacts with us. Having faith is good, but not the only thing you need to get salvation.
Compassion and Freewill
Why is there war, starvation, poverty, disease, fire, flood, a child goes missing, a man loses hope, we being human have more power than we know, food can be grown, diseases can be cured and wars ended a troubled veteran can be helped and a marriage saved, when you ask God why all this is happening start by looking to each other and that's where God will be. Miracles happen every day....sometimes the miracle is you
Does Freewill Exist?
Freewill does exist, the entire foundation of human law depends on the existence of freewill. Does this mean that every human act is a matter of freewill? Of course not, no more than you can use freewill to grow back an amputated limb.
God's Will and Human Freewill are not contradictory they are not two versions of the same thing, but they do fit perfectly together, God designed it that way, Freewill is like a game of chess pieces interact, there's rules, there's give and take, but no two pieces can occupy the same space at the same time, it's like God and Us, people make choices, and those choices have consequences and if knowing Gods Will were part of every human decision, how would anything every happen.....you have to make your own choices and live by those choices no matter how you arrived at them.
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
Sometimes bad things do happen to some very good people, Ask Jesus
"Believe Me...It Does Work!"