2021 Video playlist

This Website is Dedicated to our son Michael Carroll & Dino
2008 videos
Reason for the Lighting Season
On Christmas Night 2007 it was a pleasure of mine to see cars parked outside my house watching the lights and listening to it on their car stereos. I felt almost the same way I did after my son saw them for the first time...almost.
in 2008.....I have created more sequences (songs) and I will list the new songs when I am comfortable with the way they look outside after I get the new display installed. which is starting this weekend.
10/18/08 and next weekend and the following weekend :) I have/will create Arch Lights and a talking Christmas Tree and a Merry Christmas sign, each letter is controlled. and 2 Crosses, Candy Canes & Snowflakes. As of this morning.
10/20/08 I have built the 2 crosses and 1 Arch light, with 1 Arch light to go. then onto constructing the MERRY CHRISTMAS thats a weekend right there.
10/28/08 over the past few weekends I have completed the Arch Lights and they are installed, I am now working on the MERRY CHRISTMAS sign, weather here has been cold & raining so I been doing lots of sequences too, I did post some new sequences on the LORsequences.com website.
11/9/08 MERRY CHRISTMAS sign is done which is 4' high and 16' wide, candy canes are installed. crosses are placed, I'm working on the Talking Tree and I still need to connect it all together, no big deal just a weekend of me and a pair of wire cutters and a soldering iron and many connectors and a few thousand feet of 18gauge wire.
11/16/08 Running all the electrical wire still need to put the electrical connectors on, all music sequences are now done, as of 15 minutes ago I have about 20 songs. I'm happy with the way they look on the computer, I hope they look that good outside. I'll list the songs when I see the final product. I'm sticking with that I moved the date to lights on to Saturday, between work and the weather I have been to busy to get where I wanted to start on Thanksgiving night.
11/30/08 Check out the pictures I added a few, I have been sporting a bad cold for a few weeks and the weather just plan sucks. I rented an all terrain power lift to hang my lights, I'm glad I did it saved me 10's of hours of work using a 40ft ladder. I hope to have this thing lit this week.
12/5/08 Well after many months and half of my family's savings (kidding) the lights are on. I worked 13 hours today in heavy snow showers ran about 7,000ft of electric. It needs some touch-ups but its ok. I even had a few cars stop tonight and watch. This is always nice to know people are watching. I will need to video tape and post the videos. I would have done it tonight because with the snow it would have looked great in video. but....later. Maybe I'll have some videos by next weekend. check back.
12/19/08 WTRF TV-7 out of Wheeling West Virginia did a story on my lights go to the 2008 videos and I have it posted there for your veiwing along with the 2008 videos.