2021 Video playlist

This Website is Dedicated to our son Michael Carroll & Dino
Hi, I'm Paul Carroll, we live in Wheeling, West Virginia. and like others I have been consumed by the notion of synchronizing my Christmas Lights to music.
I'm a Radio Engineer, so I already have the interest in music and lights and this concept is right up my alley.
In 2012 Michael was in a High School Play, they did "It's A Wonderful Life", He did a fantastic job
and one night we went out to dinner after he just finished rehearsing and on my phone I played him this skit from SNL he was laughing so hard he had tears then I started laughing and we got this look from the wife like we were nuts, that's another moment I will never forget.
And here is what I played for Michael https://youtu.be/vw89o0afb2A
if you want to contact me my email is
Paul Carroll
Our son Michael' passed away from cancer on July 3rd 2014, He dearly loved the holidays especially Christmas, and when he passed away I didn't know if I could ever do a light display again, as for Christmas, that continues, I couldn't stop. The picture below is where Michael's body is, not that he isn't resting, he is with the creator of all living things and I know those words to be true I won't get into details but trust me God lives and he loves us, just open your heart and try it for yourself, you have nothing to lose and so much to be thankful for, you won't be disappointed trust me. Every holiday we decorate around Michael and this is our Christmas placement, and yes those are all solar lights. I know our son is with the Father, and I know that to be true, but I physically miss my son, his smile and jokes and his ideas.
And that's Dino in the background picture